In early April, Erika Smith of Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue called me and told me about a bunny rescued by the AZ. Humane Society after being burned. He would need a lot of TLC and medical care. Would I be able to take him? I instantly said yes.
My life changed a little that day. He was so terribly thin, burned and frightened. For the next two weeks I stayed by his side every minute I could. During the night he would cry out and I couldn’t help but cry too. With the help of Dr. Jean Arnold, we put him on supplements besides his medications and he started to slowly recover. How I hated to put salve on the burned ear and drops in his injured eye. when I so much wanted him to know I couldn’t and wouldn’t hurt him. A humidifier helped him to breathe, his lungs were damaged from smoke inhalation. He slowly started to eat (when I wasn’t watching) and gained weight. It soon became apparent that his emotional scars would be much deeper than the burns, but I also soon learned what a strong spirit he had. I named him Scotty.
My biggest emotional support during these difficult times came from Erika and another friend, Ruth Scott. All the phone calls they got from me crying at 6:30 a.m. because Scotty had turned his head out of the corner and found the courage to look at me, felt safe enough to stretch out, had let me touch him without jumping. Every small improvement was such a milestone in his recovery.
Dr. Arnold not only amputated his burned ear, but shaped it into the shape of his other ear. He’s still a two eared bunny, only one is shorter. Now 2 1/2 months later, Scotty is the perfect picture of health & happiness (and I might add, about the most handsome bunny you’ll ever see). He has more than doubled his weight. For the last month, we’ve been pulling out all the singed hair. He does the big mats and lets me carefully comb the small ones. He is without a doubt, the bravest animal I’ve ever come across. Although a little spoiled, o.k. A lot spoiled, his life is filled with love, play and good food. His favorite game is to dump over the wastebasket, fill it with paper wads I leave all over the floor, and then jump in, spilling everything. Throwing paper plates is also a great pastime. He’s a real sweetheart and loves to cuddle.
After going through unimaginable fear and pain, he’s a well-adjusted, fun-filled, loving and loyal friend. I have to thank the AZ. Humane Society for his rescue, Dr. Croteau who first treated him, my husband for his gentle understanding (he missed a lot of meals), Erika for always being there for us, Mary Schepp for her support, Ruth Scott & LouAnn Behringer, and all of my friends that have so patiently let Scotty get used to “hands that don’t hurt bunnies”. “It took a village”, but we did it.
He’s a wonderful, well adjusted, happy bunny and I feel so fortunate to have him in my life. I love my Scotty..